Monday, February 16, 2009

Misteri Cakaran Pada Kereta & Gambar Kakak Cantik...

This email was written and sent to a local radio DJ who hosts a late night show on the local airwaves where listeners can call,text or email in and share their experiences and paranormal activities.

Hi KC,

I was reading blog PujanggaMalam and decided to post up a link to an entry in my blog with regards to something that I caught on camera. So he had asked me to share with you this photo. It was sometime last year (based on the date of photo is 12 Jan'08) that I had gone out with my brother and friends. We had driven up to Upper Pierce Reservoir (i think) to chill out at the lighthouse. There were 5 cars in total. We were there for about 1/2 hour. So tempat tu was pretty dark at the car park area.

When we were about to leave the premises, we realised that 3 out of the 5 cars were mysteriously scratched. So I was taking pictures of all the vehicles that got scratched (alhamdulilah, my car wasn't one of them). Basically both my car and the other car yg tak kena scratched provided lights to the 3 scratched cars while we waited for the police to arrive. So with my boyfriend's Nokia N95, i began my job of taking photographs of all the scratches i could find on the 3 cars. So while i was snapping photographs of the top of the red car, which was facing my car and the other unscratched car, tergerak hati tak nak tengok the gambar after it was taken. Maklum lah, tempat tu gelap giler, and i had a gut feeling that i might see something that i dont want to, as a result.

A couple of days passed. My boyfriend then told me that he was looking at the photos in his phone one night when he decided to zoom into all the pictures. That was when he spotted the straight white figure next to the headlights. So when i took a look at the photographs, nak ckp it was part of the lampu, tak jugak. Nak cakap org (coz my abg punya tunang had been standing there and had moved just before i took the photo), pun bukan jugak coz my abg punya tunang ikat rambut at that time. But we did make a joke out of the picture. Hantu pakai seluar. Mcm tau je dier nak terbang. haha... By the way, I have not done any editing on the photograph. Neither did my boyfriend. I had bluetoothed it from his handphone. Yg lagi satu gambar (the collage) I had edited to form a collage so that you guys can see how badly the cars were scratched.

P/s: sorry email ni mainly in English.

Thanks KC! (",)


The email is written in the local slang called singlish. Its a mixture of English with the local dialects that comprises of malay + hokkien + tamil + other unique languages= singlish. Basically the writer just wanted to let the host know that she was hanging out at Upper Pierce Reservoir with her boyfriends and her "cliques". Apparently their 3 out of 5 of their car were scratched unknowingly.While waiting for the arrival of the police to lodged and official report the writer was busy snapping photos of the evidence apparently for insurance purposes I assume. Then after careful analysis of the photo it appears there was a white lady ghostly apparition in one their photos as seen below. On closer view it makes one wonder if it was just a reflection from the headlights. We cannot rule out that there is a big possibility in this scenario. Maybe the writer was just eager to put the blame on the pontianak but then again it might be really "HER"

Upper pierce reservoir is secluded and is only accessible if you have your own transportation and it is usually a lovers dent but there have been few occasion of pontianak sightings and suicide cases of self-drowning in the reservoir itself. Team TkCk had visited the place once to run some investigation but the results were not promising enough.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Artikel ini sangat menarik, terutama karena saya sedang mencari pemikiran tentang hal ini Kamis lalu subjek.