Saturday, February 6, 2010

"Kampong Wak Hassan" -Part 1

Location: Andrews Ave & Jalan Selimang
Exploration Date: 27th Safar 1431 of the Muslim calendar
06/01/10 of the Gregorian Calendar
Encounters: Foul odours, Religious statues, Remnants of old houses with cement base and gates, A bronze frog relic.
Time: 2300 ~ 0200
Team members: Anip, Dayat & Hidir
(Joint outing organized by the guys at SGFX & SGHC)

*Before we begin, just a note. We do not have any photos. So sorry about that but I`m sure people at SGFX and SGHC has tonnes of photos and cool videos of the outing but basically here, all we have are descriptive text. Thank You =)

If you ever been to Sembawang park along its main road on to your right you will see tonnes of old Malay street names but admist that there is a singular street that has a British name called Ändrews road. Makes it easy for us to memorise as we are avid anglers ourselves. This road will lead off to Jalan Selimang and ends by the park connector & Bottle Tree restaurant sembawang. Along Andrews road, you will pass by a mosque called Masjid Kampong Wak Hassan there are many urban legends & rumours surrounding these area.

As I`ve mentioned before anglers including ourselves usually frequent these spots to fish & set bentos for crab catching. Bento is the Malay name for a unique trap design to catch crabs. Admist the local anglers there there have been many stories of them having sighthings of the so called pontianak flying from one tree to another and these area use to be a Malay village where team member Fazly have desribed that his mother use to live around these area and in particular every Thursday night, they will hear pontiank scratching on the roof of the mosque while whorshippers are performing their prayers or reciting verses from the holy Quran but alas our team have never encountred any such sightings or events yet!

SGFX & SGHC have their own outing objectives but our team's objective is to learn more about the history of Kampong Wak Hassan or whats left of it. We hope we will get the chance to update this post again with pictures when we go fishing there again real so you guys have a clearer picture of what we're actually trying to explain.

Part 2 of this post will focus on what we did and what we found or oberved around this scenic and relaxing area

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